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The Raving Patients Podcast

Jan 25, 2019

Amol Nirgudkar helps dentists grow their practices and reach their goals. He is in an unusual position to offer practical insights. As a certified public accountant, business consultant, author, entrepreneur, and former owner of several dental practices, he has 20 years of experience working with dental practices and...

Jan 18, 2019

From dental assistant to practice owner, Genevieve brings a unique perspective and real-world experience in all aspects of dentistry.  Prior to speaking and consulting, Genevieve co-founded an affiliate group where she architected and facilitated numerous practice acquisitions and transitions.  From practice startup to...

Jan 11, 2019

Matt Donzella is the Local Business Outreach for  Yelp Inc.

My goal is to build a thriving network of Bay Area business owners, connecting with you and connecting you with each other. I host a series of events to provide business owners with resources that help them succeed and grow. I'm also your local Yelp...

Jan 4, 2019

Tom Brown, Vice President of Sales

Tom Brown brings over 20 years of sales leadership experience to his position of Vice President of Sales at LocalMed. He is experienced in leading start-ups and turn-a-rounds, his specialty is bringing a relationship style, value-added, process oriented approach to Sales. He has earned...