Nov 25, 2022
With so much going on inside a dental practice on any given day, it's easy to forget about updating your social media accounts.
Moreover, Instagram marketing is a very competitive field when it comes to dental practices, and inaction can quickly render you irrelevant. So, what are some Instagram marketing best...
Nov 18, 2022
Most people are running full speed in life but aren't sure what direction or what they are running towards. So they begin to run faster and faster - and beat themselves up for not being further along.
As this goalpost keeps moving, suffering and mental health problems increase. Countless dental professionals struggle...
Nov 11, 2022
Are you tired of your patients not taking you seriously? Are you frustrated when your patients don't own their disease? You are not alone!
More than ever, patients need to comprehend our message of overall health through dental wellness.
Emme Sanders, RDH, transforms dental practices with her high energy and positive...
Nov 4, 2022
Are you looking to build your dental practice's following and engagement on social media platforms?
As the social media algorithm continues to evolve, dental practice owners must stay updated with the latest trends and online marketing techniques. So, what is the best strategy to attract more patients and position...