Sep 28, 2018
Dr. Nathan Ho graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry in 2009. He currently own two dental practices with his business partner. He is also a co-founder of, founder of (a job site serving practice owners and job seekers ), Founder of the Dental WinWin facebook group, and the...
Sep 21, 2018
Vivek Kinra is a Computer Engineer by degree but his career moved into business management at a young age. He has had multiple leadership roles leading big engineering departments at large corporations.
He got into dentistry by marrying a dentist. His wife Dr. Lyuda started a scratch practice in late 2015 in a very...
Sep 14, 2018
Dr. Jessica Emery is: A wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a Chicago cosmetic dentist, an entrepreneur, a creative, a visionary, a philanthropist, a smile stylist, a girl boss, a LOVER OF LIFE!!
Dr. Emery grew up just outside of Boston, in Worcester, Massachusetts. She followed in her mother's footsteps and...
Sep 7, 2018
Dr. Sunny Pahouja was raised in Columbus, Ohio. After graduating from Dublin Scioto High School, he received his bachelor’s degree in Finance from The Ohio State University. He earned his D.D.S. from The Ohio State University in 2011, and spent a year practicing in Chicago learning many advanced techniques and...