Sep 24, 2021
On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Bryan Laskin to discuss the Patient First Manifesto book, which describes why we need to expand our definition of quality of care. Learn the most powerful ways to attract new patients, as well as increase profitability and case acceptance.
Sep 17, 2021
On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Brandi Hooker Evans to discuss how tiny changes make all the difference in each category of our lives and careers. They share tangible ways to convert these ideas into reality.
Takeaways from this episode include:
Sep 10, 2021
On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Katrina Sanders to discuss the provocative and contrarian ideas in dentistry:
The Dental WINEgenist brand was built on the concept that there are inadequacies within our profession, and if we aren't talking about these issues, how can we resolve them? ...
Sep 3, 2021
On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Holly Anne Mitchell to discuss stress and the impact it has on leadership and case acceptance.
Stress impacts the brain which impacts case acceptance, leadership, and profitability. Burnout is causing the talent shortage. The antidote is to use fun to...