Dec 17, 2021
On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Robert Maguire to discuss the importance of focusing on "people" as the primary way to build your dental practice. It's the "heart" of "the hands, the head, and the heart" philosophy. They discuss the importance of great communication with yourself, your team, and your patients. I'll talk about the initial steps dentists can take to make this happen. The benefits will be more joy, more happiness, and more fulfillment, as well as greater retention of team members and increased income for everyone.
Takeaways from this episode includes:
Dr. Maguire is a dentist who practiced dentistry for 34 years. He had a successful solo private practice for 28 years in Wolfeboro, NH and retired from that in October 2018. He received his DDS from Georgetown University and has a master’s degree in strategic communication and leadership from Seton Hall University. He is Navy veteran, a past president of the NH Dental Society, and is a Fellow in both The International College of Dentists and The American College of Dentists.
Dr. Maguire is now a speaker, coach, and consultant, certified instructor for the DiSC Personality Assessment devoting himself full-time to helping dentists find more joy, more fulfillment, and more financial success in their lives and in their dental practices.
In addition to being a keynote speaker to organizations like the ADA, he has presented all day seminars on “The Economics of Great Communication in-person and virtually to groups across the country. On different occasions, he has given one-hour PowerPoint presentations to the I Love Dentistry Facebook group, a group with over 9000 subscribers. He has published numerous times in Dental Economics, Dentistry IQ, Dental Entrepreneur, the Pankeygram- The Pankey Institute Newsletter, and with Dr. Bicuspid. He is passionate about communication, passionate about people, and passionate about helping dentists and their teams thrive.